Planting Trees Near Your Home: An Expert's Guide

When planting trees near your home, it's important to consider their size and potential hazards they may pose. Start by planting small trees 8-10 feet away from your home and increase this distance as they grow larger.

Planting Trees Near Your Home: An Expert's Guide

When it comes to planting trees near your home, there are a few important rules of thumb to keep in mind. A good rule of thumb is to start 8 to 10 feet away from your home for small trees and increase the scale to account for the height and extent of the mature tree. Medium and small trees tend to have a larger scale in modern low-rise houses and, therefore, are more in demand. Medium-sized trees can be planted 15 feet from the house and generally 35 feet or more apart.

Small trees, such as the flowering dogwood, can be planted up to 6 feet away from the house and about 20 feet away. When large trees cannot be used, several small trees can be grouped together to provide the necessary shade. To get the most useful shade in the house, you should place a shade tree about 20 feet from the house. If there isn't enough space for large trees, group small trees together; if width is an issue, try a group of columnar trees.

If you choose a tree that is prone to insects, take precautionary measures for pest control in the home. The trees that surround homes provide beauty, but their most practical function is to meet the needs and solve the problems of the domestic landscape. If you want to plant a tree less than 20 feet from your house, let's say 10 feet, it's best to plant one that has well-behaved roots. Medium and small trees are suitable for small homes and make tall or large houses appear larger. Clear the weeds and cut the tree trunks in the front so that the house can be seen from the street looking through the tree trunks. Never plant a tree so that it divides a view into two equal parts or to hide the view of the house from the street.

If the house is located so that trees should be planted in the front for maximum shade, select trees that have tall branches so that outdoor areas can be seen below the branches. Small trees can be planted less than 15 feet away, but large trees should be planted 20 feet or more away from the house. With strategic planning, you can plant deciduous trees in sunny areas to protect your home from the strong summer sun while allowing warm winter sunlight to enter. Trees that are too close to your house could damage it due to falling branches and, in some cases, falling trees. Trees near homes are a potential fire hazard, as they allow flames to easily enter homes through ventilation grilles.

Since then, several tree specialists have analyzed the tree and all agree that the tree is likely to recover, as Honey Locust grows vigorously. The small trees and shrubs you plant in your house will soon grow big and tall, with strong roots that you'll have to prepare for. A wide variety of tree, shrub and berry seedlings at prices that garden centers, tree farms and plant nurseries simply can't match. When planting trees near your home, it's important to consider their size and potential hazards they may pose. Start by planting small trees 8-10 feet away from your home and increase this distance as they grow larger. Grouping several small trees together can provide necessary shade if there isn't enough space for large ones.

Make sure not to divide views into two equal parts or hide your home from view when planting them. Additionally, take precautionary measures for pest control if you choose a tree prone to insects. Finally, remember that large trees should be planted 20 feet or more away from your house.